HAri ini hari sabtu........ so apa yg aku buat????
aku duk sibuk download..... most crazy citer PRISON BREAK......
Mmg dah lamalah sgt tunggu kesinambungan citer ni..tapi tak tau nak tgok kat mana DVd pun masih lom jual sbb citer masih di tayangkan di US.....
pehtu dalam duk sembang2 kat YM dgn kak ima smith yg duk US tu.....
dia bglah link utk utk citer tu....
huhuuhuhu selama ni kak ima duk citer pasal season 4 tu tapi tak terpikir nak bg link tu...
agarnya kitaorg duk galak citer pasal gosip2 kat malaysia ni kot......
dia pun veri the addic dgn citer nie......
Kalu korang nak tgok citer nie.. masuk kat
boleh tgok live tapi lambat so kena download.......dan
okey aku bg sikit citer pasal episode 1 season 4....... bacalah kalu rajin....
tapi kalu tgok mmg best giler.......SURPRISEeeeeeeeee sara masih hidup okeyy...

aku copy paste jerk...dari mamat yg rajin citer pasal citer nie...
Episode Outline -Scylla
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, how I've missed you! But I despair. I've got no catchphrases for Season 4 of Prison Break. I mean, there's no prison (yo!). There's not even a Panamanian prison (yo!). I'm so off my game here with references to the "A-Team". And, yet, somehow, I know that when I see those familiar characters, when I hear that familiar music, when I see that totally hot Wentworth Miller again, I'll be inspired. Therefore, without further adieu, I give you Prison Break Season 4...well, the recaps, anyway...
Oh man, I haven't been this excited since I lined up at midnight to buy the final Harry Potter (yes, I'm a bit of a nerd). But, Lordy, it's been MONTHS since we last saw a new episode of this show. I just called up my grandfather, shrieking "I'm so excited, I'm so excited" He can't wait to see "the bitch" again (Gretchen) and he warned me that if Sucre dies he's going to do something terrible to the powers that be over at Fox. You Fox guys should worry. He's Sicilian. Draw your own conclusions. Ok, now seriously, onto the recaps...
We open with Michael staring into the mirror. Fortunately, he recaps Season 3 for me. Panamanian prison (yo!) blah, blah, blah, forced to escape by The Company yadda, yadda, yadda, they killed the only woman he's ever loved blah, blah, blah. He's tracked Whistler and Gretchen to LA and now he's out for some good old-fashioned revenge.
Ha! Mahone's a chauffeur. With a hat! Oh my God, it's too much. I can't stop laughing. He's driving Whistler and Gretchen to the racing track in a limo. Gretchen is telling Whistler to get his hands on some sort of "data card". She also whores herself out to Whistler. Way to be subtle, Gretchen. Especially since he doesn't seem to be interested.
Michael, meanwhile, is spying on the trio arriving at the track. Racing tracks are so much fun. I went to a track back in high school with this law firm that I worked with. Looking back on it now, I'm pretty sure I wasn't old enough to gamble and those lawyers should have known better. Someone else happens to notice Gretchen and Whistler's arrival...some weird old guy.
Michael's playing waiter, carrying a box full of champagne. This ruse ends quickly when Michael puts on a suit jacket and pulls out a gun.
Whistler meets up with some no-name men. They want to know who he's buying "it" for. "It" is likely the data card. WHOA! The data card is worth $50 million. Man, I gotta get me one of those. Once the transaction is completed the strange man warns Whistler that "The Company will do anything to get [the data card] back". Whistler rewards the man for his advice by shooting him in the head. He then walks out of the room and Michael follows.
I think Whistler's doing a little double-cross. He stalls Gretchen while he copies the information onto a second data card. His sneakery (is that a word?) is interrupted by Michael and his gun. Gretchen appears and reveals the worst-kept secret in the history of Prison Break: Sara's not dead. Gretchen didn't kill her. Ergo, Sara is ALIVE. Michael demands to know where Sara is but Gretchen refuses to respond until they're outside. Whistler and Gretchen leave as the cops swarm in. We also see that Whistler left the second data card in a newspaper, which is picked up by the same strange man who was watching him as he entered. I'm going to call him Whitey because of his white hair and current lack of name.
Gretchen, who managed to take time out of her busy killing schedule to get a hair cut, meets up with Pad Man in the desert. He insults her leadership and planning style. He yells at her that the data card she retrieved is worthless...a duplicate. Gretchen catches on that Whistler may have double-crossed her. It's also revealed that they broke Whistler out of Sona because he had made initial contact with the man who originally held the data card and they needed him to get the card. Pad Man is too pissed off for Gretchen's excuses and out of the car walks...Wyatt (The Company's assassin). Gretchen starts begging for her life. Man, I didn't think they were going to kill her.
Back in Panama, Lincoln answers his phone. Michael's on the other end. We see that LJ and Sofia are playing "happy family" with Linc. Linc also reveals that Sona burnt down three days earlier and that T-Bag, Bellick and Sucre are all missing. Turns out Michael had no idea Sucre was in Sona. Michael tells Lincoln that Sara might still be alive and asks him about the head in the box. Apparently the explanation is that the garage was dark and LJ never really "saw" them kill Sara. Linc begs Michael to come back, but Michael says goodbye.
In the Arizona desert, a man is driving a truck full of illegal aliens. Among them...Bellick and Sucre! Oh, Sucre, baby! You?re back! Bellick's mom pulls up to save the day and pick up the boys.
Michael's logging onto EuropeanGoldFinch.net...remember that site he used back in Season 2 to keep in touch with the other guys? Someone's posted a message that they have information on Sara and Michael should meet him at the Santa Monica Pier.
You know who Michael meets at the pier? Mahone. In another god-awful hat. Who is the frickin' hat costumer on this show? Mahone says he's happy to see Michael. No, really. Mahone also reveals that he and Whistler are in cahoots against The Company. Michael demands information about Sara and Mahone reveals that Gretchen is dead. Yeah, right. People have a funny habit of coming back on this show. I'll believe that if she doesn't show up again by the end of Season 4.
Mahone explains the data card to Michael, calling it Scylla. It's The Company's "black book", with information on all of their agents. Mahone promises Whistler can provide information on Sara if Michael will meet with him.
The three boys meet. Whistler says that in order to decode Scylla, they need to break into a secured facility. Which means he needs Michael's help. He also reveals that last he heard, Sara was headed to Chicago. Michael wants to throw caution to the wind and reunite with his lady-love, but Whistler insists that they use Scylla to take down The Company and end this running business once and for all. I find this all very ironic considering that Mahone was hunting Michael not two seasons ago. Michael moves to leave when Whistler gets shot in the head. I yell out "Jesus!" while Mahone and Michael make with the running. Meanwhile, Wyatt the assassin takes the Scylla card from Whistler's dead body.
T-Bag?s back! He's with Nun McHoochie from Season 3 and he's got Whistler's bird book. He's got a porn mustache straight out of 1976 and he's going after Michael for revenge.
Wyatt enters a limo with Pad Man, who verifies the authenticity of Scylla. Pad Man then hands Scylla over to Whitey, the man who seemed to be in league with Whistler...you know, when Whistler was still alive. Pad Man orders Wyatt to kill Michael, Mahone and Lincoln.
Mahone calls his ex-wife, Pam. He tells her he hopes they'll still get together.
Back in Panama Lincoln is acting carefree and funny for all of two seconds. Until he spies a suspicious-looking man. He herds Sofia and LJ out of the market. Linc attacks the suspicious-looking guy and the two fight. The fight is ended when Linc kills him and the police approach. LJ and Sofia run off while Linc gets arrested.
Wyatt arrives at Pam's house, looking for Mahone. After some pleasantries, he bursts into her house and grabs her.
In Chicago, Michael calls Bruce Bennett (Governor Tancredi's right-hand man) from a pay phone. He's still wearing the suede jacket from Panama. You would think he could have picked up some new clothes in the last month. Michael asks Bruce about Sara and Bruce agrees to meet Michael. Further conversation is interrupted with the arrival of police officers, who cart Michael off to prison.
Michael is waiting inside of an interrogation room when Agent Don Self, from Homeland Security, enters the room. Don says that Whistler is dead and reveals that he knows about The Company. Ohhh, the plot thickens. Looks like Whistler was working with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Don asks Michael to help him retrieve Scylla, otherwise Michael's off to the big house. Michael should scoff. He hasn't met a prison yet that can hold him! Michael offers to help Don in exchange for Don helping him find Sara.
Don also reveals that Linc is back to his old criminal tricks in Panama. He utters what might be the best line of the episode: "The Company tried to take [Linc] out in Panama. He...um...reacted". Don reveals he pulled some strings with the Panamanian police and Linc should be arriving back in the US soon. Don reveals that Michael's father spent the last two years going after Scylla. Michael demands to speak with Lincoln.
Mahone arrives at Pam's house to see it swarmed with cops. He tries to get in but the cops stop him. Oh no, did Wyatt kill Pam and Mahone's son? That makes me sad.
On a brighter note, Sucre's at the hospital, meeting his daughter. She?s so cute! It looks like Maricruz's sister called the cops on him. What a bitch! He runs out to meet Bellick at the car when the cops swarm around them.
T-Bag is pontificating to his compadres about how he and Michael are cut from the same cloth. We see that one of T-Bag's traveling companions has a crowbar. Ah, I think they're going to knock him out to steal his money.
Linc arrives in chains. Don explains why this has to remain a secret operation and promises to provide the boys help. It seems like Sucre, Bellick and Mahone are going to join the team. Don says that they've got to break into The Company's headquarters in LA. Only he doesn't know where the building is. Typical government employee. Do they know anything? Don reveals that he's been chasing The Company for five years and in order to save this operation, he's recruited Michael and Lincoln.
Don walks back in, telling the boys that bail was just posted for them. He gives them Aldo Burrows' file. Michael and Linc soon meet up with Bruce, who had them sprung from jail. He takes them to a house. You know who's in the house? Prepare yourselves...Sara! I know. I'm shocked too.
When we come back from commercial Michael and Sara are making out on a bed. When they come up for air he gives her the origami rose he gave her back in Season 1. Michael tells her about the deal offered by Don.
Linc's having flashbacks of his father's death from Season 2 and is reading a poem from Aldo's file.
Back in the bedroom we see Michael still has his tattoo. He scares Sara, who's off crying by the window. She shows him scars all along her back and insists that it's not Michael's fault. Before Michael can get two minutes into his comforting routine, the window is shot out. Linc bursts in and the three of run out while we see that Wyatt has attempted to shoot at them from outside.
Oh man, I think Michael and Sara were "gettin' busy" She's wearing what appears to be his boxers as the three of them flee the house. Linc and Michael agree to take down The Company and, instead of escaping from the assassin, they decide to call Don to let him know that they're in. Holy crap, how did these morons survive for so long?
The brothers are reunited with Mahone, Bellick and Sucre. Sucre also reveals that T-Bag has Whistler's bird book. We flash to the desert where T-Bag and one of his buddies are bleeding on the ground, having been beaten up by the less trustworthy companions.
Don takes the brothers into another room. He gives them fake IDs and Michael shows Don his tattoo. Don arranges for Michael to have his tattoo removed by laser. Which is apparently a very long and painful process.
The team gathers at a airstrip and gets lectured by Don about the pride they should take in their new jobs. The team gets on an Air Force plane and flies off to LA.
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ReplyDeletekak linnnnnn!
ReplyDeletebuleh la geng dgn asben kat umah ni ha...cerita peberet dia tu...dah berlambak dah series tu kat umah ni...
TQ coz sudi jengok blog kak atie yer... suka nak follow2 dan link2 dengan lin... boleh ke?
ReplyDeletehuhuhu..inilah entry yg paling panjang dari cik linn hehehehe...
ReplyDeletetak penah tengok pun citer tu so malaslah nak amik tau sbb kang bila dah suke..payah jugak hehehe...
wah bestnye tapi akak x pernah lak nengok huhuhu..
ReplyDeletemesti best citer tue kan..
akak azie pun slalu download gak.sekarang tgh download citer behind enemy lines..heheh kat wayang..
ReplyDeleteerr..aku tak penah tgk la cite ni. Slalu dgr org jer dok follow.
ReplyDeletepanjang nye sinopsis citer nih
ReplyDeletex baca leh x..?
wa tgh pening kepala ngan blog gwe yg xleh-leh upload image nih!
Lin..kita pun suka tengok prison break season 4..Wah!!siap ada sinopsis jalan cite ni..he..he..rajinnye